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SI manipulation in early early pregnancy
9/26 8:42:47

I have been visiting my wonderful chiropractor for SI joint problems and tension management 3 times per week for 2.5 months and he has done wonders for me. Most visits he manipulates my SI joint. I had embryos transferred to my womb two days ago as part of my most recent IVF cycle. I have a chiropractor appointment today. Is it safe for him to perform this manipulation on me right now? My endocrinologist has told me not to exercise until my pregnancy test. However, when I don't exercise, my SI joint tends to get messed up worse than usual. I want my body to be in good alignment to improve chances that my body will accept the pregnancy but I am worried that this manipulation will put pressure on my reproductive system and endanger the embryos. Thanks.

Hi Helen,

Chirpractic joint manipulation has traditionally been very safe for pregnant women.   There is no proof that getting manipulation so frequently will help your embryo any better than no manipulation at all.  There is not a shred of evidence to support this.  You really need to chat with your endocrinologist about when you can begin some exercises, even some simple spine stability exercises (google: the bird-dog exercise for the back).   There is no reproductive system pressure from manipulation as far as we know.   What we do know is that 3x/week for 10 weeks is excessive, especially when the only parameter or goal of treatment is to keep your pelvis in alignment.  Pain is another story.   If you have pain and the manipulation alleviates it, then that is a valid reason to get it. However, if you are becoming dependent on the manipulation that is a huge (and costly) problem for you (but not for the chiropractor that is making money on it).   I would bet that you are always out of alignment - always!   It's not an exact science, and odds are that you could go directly from your chiropractor and into another chiropractor's office and you'll discover that you are again "out of alignment."   I would ask this:  are your lower back and pelvic joints tender to touch?   Do you have back pain or pelvic joint pain?   If so, then you must ask why.  Out of alignment? Really?   

I hope this was helpful at least in reducing any fears about the safety of chiropractic joint manipulation.  But, I also want you to think a bit and question the parameters of your treatment.   


Dr. G

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