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herniated disc
9/26 8:42:40

Dear Dr. Gillman,

My father who is 50 years old and is a computer engineer, has back pain at the C6 ?T1 level during the last 6 years.

The MRI shows dorsal hernia of the C5-C6 and C6-
C7 intervertebral disc not involving the spinal cord.

First of all, what is the C6-T1 level?  and C5-C6, C6-C7?
Also,Which clinical explorations can be used?

Many thanks,


These are the discs in the lowest few vertebra of the neck.  If the discs are not toughing the spinal cord or any of the nerves, then he likely does not need surgery.  He simply needs to try manual therapy, including joint manipulation, mobilization, manual tractioning, exercises, and ergonomic changes (e.g. not sitting at a computer all day).   If these do not help, then he needs to see a Physiatrist or other "Interventional Pain Management" specialist.   These are MD's that do injections into different joints of the neck with the goal of knocking out the pain.  Some patients do the injections and the manual therapy together.  

'Hope this helps,

Dr. G

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