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everything hurts
9/26 8:42:24

Hi there, I have paresthetica meralgia, bilateral tennis elbow and bilateral golfers elbow with chronic plantar fascitis.I have had some adjustments and my neck is only a little bit easier. I also have throacic outlet syndrome. I have numb hands through the night and carpal symptoms which I think are coming from my neck.Strangely enough, my elbows seem to be changing shape at the bottom, turning looks like it is the bone and not soft tissue. My shoulders have developed a 'coathanger look'. ?? Can you possibly advise me what the below xray results mean and if it could be causing my inability to rise from a chair? I also have difficulty walking upstairs.
Thanks so much
Kind regards.

found some vague neurological weakness of her
bilateral deltoids, triceps, wrist and finger flexors, finger extensors, tibialis
anterior, hamstring and gluteus maximus. Her reflexes were slightly reduced at
C7 and S1. All other neurological tests were normal. Orthopaedic testing was
positive for radicular encroachment bilaterally in the cervical spine. All cervical
range of motion was limited at the initial examination, lumbar range of motion
was normal.
Spinal imaging demonstrated a significant degenerative retrolisthesis at L5/S1
and some minor anterolisthesis at L4/5. There may be some stenosis at C5/6
which may be causing some of the neurological symptoms in her upper thighs
and her neck in my opinion.

Dear Joyce,

First of all, the radiological report/doctor report tells me that you have some arthritic degeneration of the spine, and that you might be experiencing some nerve pressure as a result of the arthritic wear and tear.

What concerns me the most, however, is the broad nature of your symptoms.  Have you consulted an Arthritis Doctor specialist?  That might be your next step.  

Many times when there are so many symptoms in so many parts of the body, it is due to the fact that your body is harboring and promoting inflammation generally.  You might take a look at your diet. Some foods tend to promote inflammation, while others help to reduce it.  

do eat:
more vegetables (whole, raw or lightly steamed)
Eat Whole Fruits
Ingest Good Quality Oils... virgin olive oil, flax seed oil, etc (do NOT cook with these)
Low Fat proteins... chicken breast, beans, legumes, eggs OK.
Drink good distilled or reverse osmosis water.

Do Not Eat:
breads, pastas, rice, potatoes
Candy, Cookies, Cakes, Pies
Avoid sweetened drinks (sodas, tea with sugar, etc)
Avoid fried foods.
Avoid fruit juices (these are laden with natural sugars)

Here is an article that you might take a look at:

The arthritic changes in the lower back can be causing you to have some trouble with getting out of chairs or going up and down the stairs.  However, many people have arthritis in the back and are able to function quite normally.  The issue is usually inflammation.  Try and get it under control, and you will feel better even though you have degenerative changes in the spine.

I hope that this gives you some ideas.  Good luck, and feel better!

Keith Biggs, DC  

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