QuestionQUESTION: I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, so if it's not, can you tell me where I should ask it? haha
Anyway, I'm a 20 year old male, 5'10 130 pounds. I do my best to stay active and eat right.
Lately though, I've noticed a lot of twitching all around my body and my legs and arms have been very weak. My legs have been weak to the point where they shake when I walk up the stairs or squat or something like that. Same thing with my arms when I lift something. It has been like this for 3 days now.
Do you have any idea what it might be?
This question really can't be answered with the amount of information you gave. However from the information you did give I would suggest you get a medical check up and a refferal to a neurogist.
This could be anything from over training to a serious nerve problem. I need to know exactly how much lifting? Does it happen every time you lift? How often does it happen? Do you work out every day? How many stairs causes the shaking and weakness? Do any neurological problems run in your family? Has this affected your bowel or bladder habits?
The list goes on and on. I really suggest an eaxm as stated above with a local MD, DO or DC
Dr John Quackenbush
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I didn't do any sort of lifting or any kind of exercise before feeling this weakness. I just woke up and it was there.
There is no known neurological problems in my family.
Without seeing a doctor, is there anything that could be causing this that isn't really serious?
The only thing you can do w/o seeing a doctor is wait and see. I do not recommend that at all. I hope you understand tha this type of question is impossible to ethically answer w/o a physical exam and in person. Although the answers to my questions rules out a few things you have got to make sure this is not of a neurological nature.
Dr Quackenbush
PS you could resubmit this to another doctor on the board.