QuestionI am convinced of it that the psoas major psoas minor and illacus are responsible
in many people back pain as the source of pain.
while not being the cause by mainting the correct length and muscle
quality of these muscles it would go along way in lower someones said back
and the rest of the puzzle would be to greatly increase muscle
endurance of many surrounding muscles and to get the correct
order (and or get inhibited) of the muscles firing
i have very much tried on myself to get at 2 of the TrPs
being the one under the abs and the other close to the asis
my question is this
could you please tell me exactly all of the trigger points areas for
all 3 of the muscles just what happens to which muscle when the trigger
point is realised. ie does the asis TrP just realease the
illacus. and ie does the TrP under the abs just realease
the upper half of the psoas.
and if you have exacting strageties if all of the trigger points should
be released and worked on or not.
i am played around with on myself and are almost thinking that the
TrP near the asis is the most critical one while i may even be best to
not touch the TrP that is under the abs.
thanking you in advance
AnswerThe Illiopsoas needs to have the trigger points done at the groin, flex the hip and you will feel the psoas contract to locate it. Illiacus lies on the anterior pelvis, and is very difficult to palpate and do trigger point work. The area near the ASIS is the quadriceps.