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bulged disc, pinched nerve
9/26 8:40:46

Hello David,

I was diagnosed with bulged discs in my L4 and L5 area. I have a pinched nerve that for the first week caused me alot of lower back pain. Then my back pain went away and now I am left with a numb buttocks on both the left and right side. It starts at the top of my buttocks and runs all the way down my leg to my knee area. I have weakness in my legs and lose my balance and have fallen 2 times in the last 3 days. I have been seeing a chiropractor for 9 visit. He is seeing me three times a week. I experienced alot of pain in my lower back and hip area. He told me I am out in my neck area, the middle of my back and my pelvis and hips are out also. I am a mess. In your opinion how long should it take before I get relief with the numbness of my buttocks area. This is really affecting my life and I have been pulled off work due to the restrictions that my medical Dr. gave me of no lifting over 15 lbs., no bending, kneeling, squatting or twisting. He has me off work until the end of November. He is sending me to a pain clinic of which I don't see how they can help me since I have no pain just numbness, but I will go there in November and see what they have to say. I am hoping the chiropractor will heal me by then.
The numbness causes and tickly/itchy feeling in by buttocks and back of my leg drive me crazy. I need some relief soon and I am hoping this chiropractor will provide me with the relief so I don't have to go to the pain clinic. I have been suffering from the since the end of June.
Is there exercises I can do to help relieve this bulged disc that the chiropractor should be suggesting for me to do to help his treatments advance faster?
I would appreciate any advise you can give me.



kathy, there is no way to know how long it will take. everyone heals at a different pace. you should be asking your chiropractor about stretches. also, your chiropractor should releasing your iliopsoas muscle, which can only be done from the front near the belly button area. if he/she is not releasing that muscle then ask for that to be done.

david kulla, DC, CN
chiropractor, nyc

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