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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Chiropractors > sacroiliac
9/26 8:40:39

QUESTION: I fell back and twisted my back and landed on my left foot.I had 2 hernias and was told my sacroiliac was out of line.I was given pain med.Inflamed med.and the therapist laid me on my stomach and pushed down real hard to try to hush it back in place.Dr.gave me an injection and lots more therapy.I was given a mri,and was told I just have a bulge.This happened on Feb.24.9 months later I still have.real bad burning pain when i stand on my weight on my left leg.I have same pain when i stoop down and when I sit propped up in bed.Any time i have any pressure on my left back side of my s i joint i have the bad pain.what can you tell me what the problem may be thank you Daniel HART

ANSWER: Hello Daniel,

    Do you have any muscle weakness in the legs etc?

Dr. Brendon O'Brien

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes I have some weakness but mostly sharp burning pain in s i joint.I am sitting at the computer now and have sharp burning pain.I only get relief when i lie down on my right side. The longer I sit or have any strain on it the pain gets worse If I neil down to do something I need help getting up.

Hello Daniel,

    The problem is your disc bulge/herniation pressing on the nerve causing your symptoms.  With muscle weakness and severe pain you may want to see a othroedic surgeon.  Depending on the size and location of the bulge you may or may not need surgery (if you have not already).  If surgery is not needed you may want to see a doctor of Chiropractic as they will be able to adjust the spine to relieve pressure on the nerve and reduce muscular tension.  Use ice several times a day, abesutely do not use heat as this will bring more inflammation and pain.

Have a great day,
Dr Brendon O'Brien

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