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spinal manipulation and belly problems
9/26 8:40:11

QUESTION: I went to a chiropractor 3years ago for a back injury, I got a little relief from his adjustment, but right after that I started having right side belly pain and trouble with my bowels. It took six months for it to get better, never totally went away. I injured my back again almost exactly 3years later, this december, belly blew up didn't want to go back to chiro because I was convinced he had messed up my belly. I was desperate a month later because i was not getting any relief, so I went back. I did get a little relief after the 1st visit, but I still have right side belly pain that goes all the way to my epigastric area. My injury is from the neck down on my right side of my back. I am convinced they are related, but I wanted to get your opinion.

ANSWER: Sandra,

Unfortunately, I can't provide you with a diagnosis over the Internet. In general terms, I can say that abdominal pain following spinal manipulation would be a rather uncommon reaction. It may be that the manipulation potentially aggravated an existing condition; I would strongly recommend seeing your primary care physician first to determine if additional evaluation of your abdominal pain is required.  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank You for you input, but I have seen my primary care physician several times. Been through a EGD/colonoscopy, us of the liver and gb and uterus and ovaries, cat scans, xrays. This time I had a Thoracic MRI, unfortunately, they won't ok a lumbar and abd mri at the same time. So, they have diagnosed me with IBS. I did not have this problem until they started messing with my back, but I am not saying it can't be a coincidence either. I was just wondering. Thanks again


Again, I really can't correlate IBS-type symptoms as a side-effect of spinal manipulation. I suppose that it is remotely possible, but in my opinion, it is highly unlikely. I am unfamiliar with any medical studies showing that IBS-type symptoms could be a possible side-effect of spinal manipulation.

In my opinion, evaluation by a gastroenterologist would be appropriate, if you haven't already done so.

I am sorry that you have suffered from this problem for so long. I wish you the very best of luck.  

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