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tingling in top of shoulder with stretching
9/26 8:40:07

I have a lot of tightness in my neck and shoulders, and at therapy they had me stretching my neck, back and shoulders with laying on the foam roll.  A few weeks into it I started feeling a certain tingling in the muscles at the top of my shoulder when I stretch my neck to the opposite side, and this has gone on for a year now.  I still stretch my neck/shoulders daily, and continue to have this weird sensation, almost like low voltage electricity in that muscle.  I have used heat treatments, but still have this annoying "tingling" going on.  What can I do?

It sounds like you may have over stretched and caused a pinched nerve. You have motor and sensory nerves in your spine (including your neck). The tingling or electricity you feel in the muscles is coming from pressure on a nerve in your spine. If this has been going on for that long please consult a chiropractor ASAP. It's nothing serious , but can get much worse if not dealt with right away.  

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