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Pins and needles
9/26 8:39:37

Hi I'm 22 year old male and suddenly notices pins and needles in my left leg from the left side/front just below my knee to my foot. More so the sole of my foot towards the toes. I can bend toes, walk on them there's no pain or anything and I can feel pinchs etc. the only thing I can think of is that I had been carrying heavy furniture home which when I awoke the next morning I was aching all over my neck and shoulders. Since then for the last 3 days I've been getting constant pins and needles feeling on my left leg and sometimes my left arm. Could this just be something small or is it serious like MS etc?



I could use a bit more information, but I guess that from what you're saying the heavy lifting was about four days ago.   If so, then odds are you strained your spine and likely irritated a disc in your lower back.   The irritated disc can cause the numbness/tingling (called "paresthesias") into the side of your leg and into the foot and toes.   There is a chance it could be from irritated structures elsewhere, such as a strain to the knee, but you did not mention having any knee pain.    The same goes for the neck.   Cervical spine discs can get strained and also affect the nerves that pass around them before they exit and make their way to your arm.   Often, if there is notable disc irritation in the cervical spine (neck), then you would likely also feel pain along the inside border of the shoulder blade as well as having arm/hand paresthesias.    Aching and sore after hauling furniture, with pain the following day, and then paresthesias?    Very doubtful it's MS.   Spend some time going for a brisk walk.   Minimize prolonged sitting, especially at a computer work station, and give it a few more days.    If it is not changing, then find a chiropractor with good credentials in your neighborhood, or see your primary care doctor and get a referral.    I bet it goes away with some rest and exercise.   

Dr. G'

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