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Regular cracking / popping sound in shoulde
9/26 8:39:31

Hi there,

I have a question and it has been going on for 3-4 years now. Kindly note that this did not happen until i starting going to the gym and working out.

I suspect it was due to doing wide push ups and wide chest press that resulted in the cracking and popping sound. I remembered i felt pain at times but i ignored it and gradually noticed the regular popping and cracking sound whenever i leave up my arms for example.

Would like to seek your expert advice on this matter.

Dear Lucas,

Popping and clicking in the shoulder could be many different things.  Sometimes popping and clicking is quite benign, the result of sudden cavitation within the joint capsule. It could, on the other hand, signal the onset of joint cartilage damage, ligament instability, or muscle and tendon injuries.  Unfortunately, it is impossible to diagnose over the internet.  What you need to do, if it is giving you discomfort, is to see an orthopedic medical doctor for a good evaluation and diagnosis. Find one that specializes in shoulder issues, if possible. If you cannot find an orthopedic MD, try and get into a physical therapist, again one with a lot of experience with shoulder issues.  Often, the only way to determine what is truly happening is through advanced imaging, such as a shoulder MRI study.  This is because a lot of the things that can go wrong with a shoulder only show up on MRI studies, and not on regular x-ray.  

I hope that this gives you some ideas on where you can turn to get the answer that you are looking for.  Take heart in knowing that simply because the shoulder makes noise with movement does not always mean that there is something serious going on in the shoulder. Often all that is needed is simple, specific exercises that help to improve shoulder muscle flexibility and strength.

Good luck,

Keith Biggs, DC

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