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tingling formication
9/26 8:38:47

Dear Nona

first some background. i'm a 40 yrs old male. from Europe.
I have had health anxiety issues the last 4 yhears. Ive had palps, spasms chestpain, racing heart and so on. they finally thought I had some costochondritis or chest pain due to anxiety..
I finally mananged to handle this and then june 2012 i developed some burning skin on my lower leg and feet. it felt like I had a sunburn.. my gp told me..anxiety ..
last december 2012 i developed on the same spots mpre tingling and buzzing sensations.. mostly on the left.. lower left leg and foot..its not a heavy tingling..but a slight buzzing heavy tight feeling left foot big toe side..and buzzing feeling lower leg..shin. more to the upper left almost feel prickling like someone have some slight electricity on you..  and a weird tickling in my lower back.. this is now for 2 months chronic..
sometimes stiff and painful lower back.. mostly when sitting to long in one position and when walking for miles.. my back remains aching..sometimes hip high buttock..

been to the GP..and he says.. stiff muscles ..and SI joint.. for my back..and the "tingling": he says nerves firing..due to ..or prolonged arousal in the past.. so more anxiety related in his eyes..strength is ok, reflexes ok.. i feel cold and warm sensations and so on.. so my gp..says NO WORRY

offcourse i'm more worried

Does this sound like a neuropathy or MS like?
Sometimes I'm afraid of a spinal tumor

my GP says.. no would have all kind of other problems than..

Could you give me some more advise..

kind regards


In order to rule in/out MS, or spinal tumors, you would have to do more testing. If this is something that is making you worried, you can ask your GP for these tests to put your mind at ease.

I would also speak with a chiropractor, because a lot of the symptoms you are describing can be musculo-skeletal and a chiropractor can help with this.

Dr. Nona Djavid
Wellness Choice

1101 Dove Street, Ste 270
Newport Beach, CA 92660
949.387.3337 fax

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