QuestionQUESTION: hello ma'm,
i had got a fifth metatarsal fracture on this year jun 21.its due to twisting of my doctor put my leg in a cast for 40 cast was taken on this year aug 6 and he told me to care the leg by not doing stressful activities for 90 its past 90 days and he told me to resume activites except running, jumping.he said that i can resume with running or jumping only after 1 year...iam a fitness enthusiastic.i cant imagine life without jogging or running.i want your expert advice on this.
ANSWER: Hi Rahul,
Unfortunately without knowing the extent of your fracture, I would not be able to help with any answers. I would suggest communicating this with your doctor and asking for a post x-ray to see how things have healed. If you are asymptomatic and have healed properly (again this is without proper examination and knowing the extent of your injury), I would say start with a little jog and see how things feel. The last thing you'd want to do is re-injure that area, OR worse not rehabilitate things properly and that could negatively influence your active lifestyle for long term.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: thank you for your response ma'm.
but here my doctor told me that it had healed well.there is no breaks in the bone right now..what he says is that the bone might be weak as it is a newly formed he says to keep off from doing high impact activities.the injury caused was due to a twist and it was not a complete fracture.just a crack.i had also succesfully cmpleted my 1 hour brisk walk without any pain.
AnswerHi Rahul,
It's difficult for me to give you recommendations as I haven't evaluated or seen your x-rays. If a brisk walk is not giving you any trouble, I would continue with that. Your doctor is correct in that you a newly formed/healed area of a bone takes a long time. You run the risk of fracturing that area again which you would want to avoid at ALL cost. If you do re-injure, then you will definitely have to stop with most activities. So be careful.
Dr. Nona Djavid
Wellness Choice
1101 Dove Street, Ste 270
Newport Beach, CA 92660
949.387.3337 fax
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