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forward head position and rounded base of neck??
9/26 8:37:27

Thank you for being willing to provide us with much needed assistance. We are most appreciative.

My young son just showed me that my neck goes forward. Perusing the internet, which admittedly is not the wisest idea, enlightened me to something called Mommy neck. it is evidently forward head posture.

i did the exercises to go against a wall and touch your head. though it is not so bad that i have to tilt my head back completely, it is definitely not in alignment, my ears are not over my shoulders, and there is a definite roundness to the back of my neck, such that my head is thrust forward, i cannot afford to see a DC, so my question is will these exercises help if it is more pronounced? any other exercises you could suggest? and if it is something that would get better, how long would something like this take?

he also showed me that in the back,  the bottom of my neck/begining of the back is poofed out. what is this poofiness, if that makes sense? is there something to do to help i guess what is my poor posture? i am trying not to slouch and doing the exercises for the forward head position, but will that help whatever this poofiness is??

by the way, i ostensibly have absolutely no pain associated with this at all...i do figure however that it can not be healthy in the long term. and it does not look so good.

thanks to my wonderful. observant son, i recognize now there is a definite problem. I am very scared and worried. and my son and I are so grateful to you for any thoughts and help you might be able to proffer.

It is impossible to make a full diagnosis of what is truly going on simply by listening to or reading a description from the patient on the internet. That being said, it sounds to me like you have hyperkyphosis of the thoracic spine, and that you have a reduced lordotic curvature of the cervical spine, or simply an anterior translation of the head over the cervical spine. I am currently no longer in private practice, and I don't have any exercises that I can send to you. I believe that you can search on the internet and find an exercise that is called upright rowing, and another one that is called Square shoulder shrugs. I would recommend these two. I would also recommend that you find an exercise that is called Deep neck flexion. These would be the starting point. I would also recommend that you continue to be cognizant of your posture . It's wonderful that you have an observant child. I hope that this at least gives you a starting point. It must be understood, however, that this is not a diagnosis, and that anything that I say is superseded by any physician that performs a thorough examination and evaluation of your condition.

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