QuestionI had a bike injury 4 days ago when my front wheel twisted and I came down hard- hitting my lower left
moreQuestionAbout a year ago I woke up one morning and my neck had a grinding sensation to it when I turned my head
moreQuestionI woke up a few days ago with a kink in my neck... yesterday it got so bad my entire left side was swoll
moreQuestionHi. I have been having pain in my back for many years. Previous MRI have shown bulging discs in th
moreQuestionOk I am 32 150lbs Hispanic Non-Smoker Drinks Occassionally. I have been having headaches for a few years
moreQuestionDr, My name is Michelle. My question to you, is I have been having pain in my forearms. I thought
moreQuestionHello, I am a 41 yr old female and was not involved in any accident. I have had a golf ball sized mass (
moreQuestionI was involved in a severe car wreck in DEC 2007 that resulted in many injuries including fractures in t
moreQuestionI had a L5S1 disc replacement 3 years ago after being diagnosed with DDD. I have recently been told that
moreQuestionI have a 19-yr-old son that injured his back while working in December. He lifted too much weight
moreQuestionMy wife was in a motorcycle accident in oct 07 and fractured two vertebrae. She is in constant pain. Her
moreQuestionI am 54 (female); I have severe pain in right low back (including a side part of ribs) that, temporarily
moreQuestionDear Dr.Leatherman I was in a rearend collision on 9/07 at rate of 45mph,head was thrown forward and bac
moreQuestionI think my life is over. I cant sit, sleep, walk for long, pick up my son, go up stairs. The worst part?
moreQuestionHello. I recently had a neck MRI performed due to mild but persistent neck pain. If you coul
moreQuestionI am a 36-year-old male, 200#, 61 and non-smoker. In April 2006, I was in a vehicle accident, wher
moreQuestionHaving L & C back pain, periph neurop left foot, also just diagnosed w/ slight foot drop. HX: 20 y
moreQuestionHi Dr Leatherman, I experience this clicking within my right knee and some pain in the posteromedial si
moreQuestionI apologize ahead of time for how long this is, but I want to be as thorough as I can about my entire si
moreQuestionMy husband (on May 1) fractured C2 in a fall from a bucket loader on a tractor from 15 feet. He was flow
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