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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Back and Neck Injury > how?
9/23 17:43:04

itseems that the muscles in the side of my throat are tightening and causing ear and jaw throat tightens right up and i get a terrible pain upunder base of neck like the vetebrae is pinched or something my neck cracks if i move it after being in one position for awhile
how and who could check my muscles and bones out to see what is wrong..i also have weak drawn aching legs that go to sleep if i sit for too oxygen levels are normal..i do walk a lot uphills now as we shifted to a hilly area
how can my neck musclesand jaw feellike they are choking me
thank you

Dear Helen,

A good massage therapist could check for the tension of your neck muscles -- although massage is not the best approach for getting lasting relief from the tension.

Your drawn, aching legs sound like the same kind of problem.

I would recommend you see a practitioner of somatic training for that outcome.  The list of practitioners exists at <>.  He or she will train you to relax the tension pattern causing your discomfort.

If no practitioner exists near you, the self-help book, "The Magic of Somatics," contains instructions for gaining control of those muscular tensions and relaxing them, yourself.

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

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