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Hunchback problem (This might not be your field)
9/23 17:42:54

I know this might not be your field, but this is the closest i can get from this site.

I need to know what causes hunchback and how to correct them. I have went through a few sites and all they gave was some very general answers other than going for surgery.
Is it possible to correct hunchback through conventional exercises?

Any help would be much appreciated!


Thanks for writing!

Yes, this is my field.

You do not say how old you are or if the hunchback is something you were born with or if it developed over the years.

Have you had x-rays made of your spine and neck? Get some made in the standing position and see what they show.

Generally, when a spine is hunchbacked the neck curve will also be changed. The two go together. This change in the neck curve results in a "chin on your chest" position. This change be changed simply by holding your chin up.

Very Frequently, the hunchback results from holding your body in a hunched over postion for many hours a day. This can occur from working at a desk, bending over a shovel, or carrying heavy loads on your head or shoulders.

One very effective thing you can do. Imagine that a large pair of ice tongs come down from the sky above your head, the tips go into your ear holes and then the tongs gently lift your head straight up. Us your imagination and go up with the ice tong lift. This will correct both the neck curve and the hunchback.

Another very effective thing is to get a small, firm pillow from a couch. Lay it on the floor and lay your back on it so that the pillow is right on the hunchback. Lay back as far as you can without pain. When you are accustomed to this, lift your hands over your head. Lay that way for as long as possible, starting with about 10 to 15 minutes at a time. When you get used to it, hold a large can of tomatoes or similar weight in each hand as you raise them over your head.

There are also very advanced devises you can use to correct this but surgery is not effective. The bottom line: you have to consciously change the way you sit and stand and walk and work and sleep and drive and watch TV. If you do not do these things, nothing will help.

Nutrition is also very important, since the body has to have the stuff it can use to reshape the bones. Water intake is vital. And I do mean Water, not liquids. The cushions between the bones in your neck must have large amounts of water to regain and retain there normal shape.

I hope this helps. Write and let me know how it goes.

Dr. Rozeboom

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