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latent tigger points
9/23 17:42:46

i am now a 38 year old male of good health except i have all kinds of problems or possibly pain causing areas of the back. i have read one of the medical classics trigger point manual travel and simmons. also i have read a lot on posture and anatomy and function. i have observed several muscles of my back and hip that are short and tight and other the antagonist that is long weak and inhibited.

i am trying to stetch the tight muslces while also strenghtening the long weak muscles. but i am not exactly sure of the best techniques. it feels strange when i try to streghten my left gluteus medius inhibited muscle. any suggestions here? also what comes first (chicken or the egg) the long inhibted muscle or its antagonist short tight muscle?

also i have asked some doctors and they told me that it is impossible to remove latent triger points. i can find a very serious one of my rigth QL or illiucostas muslce around L2 that refers incredible amounts of pain too just above the crest of the illium.

thanking you in advance.


Thanks for writing!

You are doing a great job with your study and are certainly going in the correct direction with study.

As to which came first, the short or the long?

The body must have balance in all things, and an imbalance is a loss of health. Proceeeding the muscle imbalance, there is a chemical imbalance and before that is a neurological imbalance.

To solve your back pain, I would suggest your find and Touch for Health or Applied Kinesiology course near you and devote yourself to their study. Touch for Health and Applied Kinesiology, when properly applied, will end your pain.

Dr. Rozeboom

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