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neck, back, jaw injury
9/23 17:42:41

About 3 months ago, I was injured when my airbags deployed in my car. Since then, I have been treated for muscle and joint inflammation in my jaw, as well as "whiplash." I tried PT for a few weeks with no relief as of yet. The pain in my neck is near the center and right back side of neck, as well as pain in the mid upper back. Lately, I have had rather severe episodes of dizziness, as well as numbness in my fingertips (both sides), and pain radiating down my right arm. My GP says the dizziness does not relate to my neck. I went to a chiropractor yesterday who took xrays of my neck and said that because I have a natural curve, it is just taking longer to heal. He worked on my back and neck a bit (said extremely tight, tightest he has seen). Now I have a line of red dots on the skin under both eyes. I believe the dizziness and arm pain as well as numbness are related to my injury. Maybe my GP doesn't believe me. He did say that if I had range of motion there was no neck problem. Should I continue PT, chiro, get another doc opinion, etc? I am worried, as the pain seems to be spreading and I have more symptoms. I really need an opinion.  

Dear Hanna,

Your GP is incorrect.  Dizziness is a common consequence of neck tension, as the muscles of the neck, eyes, and balance centers of the brain are directly, reflexively connected.  

Pain and numbness of the extremities are common effects of pinched nerves in the vicinity of the tension.

The pain is probably the sensation of contracted, sore neck muscles.

Tissue damage is probably not involved, so healing is not the issue.  You need to retrain your control of the involved muscles so they relax to the normal range of tension, something chiropractic cannot help; some PTs can help that process, if their training is sufficiently sophisticated.  Traction, electric stimulation, massage, and ultrasound will not significantly help that process.

Please see the article on whiplash injuries at for more explanation and options for recovery.

with regard,
Lawrence Gold  

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