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Dear Sir,My husband had...
9/23 17:42:36

Dear Sir,

My husband had two back operations to remove cartridges from discs 4/5 then again in discs 5 and 1. He is now better though still experiences back and left leg muscle spasms associated with nerve pain in the left leg. MRI was conducted and nothing pressing on leg nerve. I wonder why does he get the pain and does Dorofin medication help in his case to rebuild cartridges removed during surgery.

Thank you very much.


Dear Heidi,

If your husband is having nerve pain, then something is pressing on the nerve, somewhere along the nerve.  It might be in the low back, where muscles in contraction created such compression between vertebrae that the cartilage discs broke down and had to be removed; or it might be in the buttock.

The muscular contractions were the real problem, the discs, the "victims," and the nerve, the "reporter" of the problem.

I can't answer your question about Dorifin as drugs are not my area of expertise.  I can say that unless your husband does something to get his muscular tension under control, the likelihood of relief is small.

What he can do is described in articles at (just type in that address).  This is something specific to his kind of problem.

He should see a practitioner or use the program designed for people who can't get to a practitioner.

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

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