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Hello,Wots the difference...
9/23 17:42:28


Wots the difference between an osteopath and a chiropractor?

Thanks, Robert


Thanks for writing!

The osteopath and the chiropractor came from the same roots--in the middle of America. Over the years they have seperated until today the Osteopath is much like a medical doctor. A Chiropractor does not prescribe drugs or do surgery, while an Osteopath does.

Much of what I do as a Chiropractor was borrowed from the osteopathic profession. But a Chiropractor, Dr. M. B. DeJarnette, D. C. proved it scientifically and developed it into a workable technic.

Recently, there has been a movement in the Osteopathic field to do more adjustments of the spine. But it has never gained much ground. The technic they use is also practiced by massage therapist and others.

Dr. Rozeboom

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