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lumps on my back
9/23 17:42:26

I recently was feeling extreme pain on my lower back. The pain was like no other pain I ever felt before. I also felt that I had some lumps on my lower back. I immediatley went to see my doctor. He told my that I had back muscle spasms. He prescribed me Naproxen and cyclobenzaprine and told me to take three days off from work. I took those days off and my back felt somewhat better. I still have those lumps on my lower back and I'm still having back pain .I'm very worried what should I do?


When muscles contract, they shorten and thicken; those are the lumps.  Contracted muscles tire; that's the pain.

Drugs are of little use in regulating muscular contractions, since they are caused by brain conditioning; the muscle spasms result from excessive, habitual muscular tension.

You need to improve your own muscular control, in order to relax those muscles; to do so requires a self-training process.  Nothing else will do the job.

Please see the articles on back pain at for more in-depth understanding and options for help.

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

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