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My back is killing me
9/23 17:42:17

I just wanted to know can all serious back injuries be detected using a xray or mri? because I fell 25 feet off a roof on my back and butt area and the xray showed that i have no broken bones and the mri scan also says i'm fine but i'm in a lot of pain whats wrong with me? I don't understand i'm really hurting.


Thanks for writing!

Many serious back injuries do not show on x-ray or MRI. These injuries are damaged ligaments. Damaged ligaments are very common in falls such as yours. And do not show on xray or MRI directly. They can be guessed at by the position of the bones but medical doctors do not usually look at the position of the bones.

A chiropractor will use xrays but will also use palpation, nerve testing, muscle tests, etc. to diagnose serious back injuries. These tests will show ligament damage.

Go to, or and find a good chiropractor near you. Tell them I referred you. And get this thing fixed, it has gone on long enough and could disable you at an early age if not properly corrected.

Dr. Rozeboom, ST. Louis, Mo.

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