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punched in the head
9/23 17:42:10

I work in a prison & got sucker-punched on the left side of my head by an inmate. (I'm a female 5'2" punched by a 6'2" male.)Both of my hands are constantly tingly & have swollen up a couple of times since then. Could this be a neck injury? Whenever I mention this to anyone, they look at me like I'm crazy. Plus, I went to the hospital the night that it happened & the Dr. only checked my ear for a broken ear drum & checked for a concussion. I have been told that since I wasn't having the tingling or anything that's why he didn't check my neck. But, I didn't notice the tingling right away.


Thanks for writing!

Very likely your neck was injured. The head weighs about 8 to 10 pounds but when a big guy hits it with his fist, it will move. And the neck has to stop that movement before he head comes off! Stopping 8 to 10 pounds when it is moving that fact can tear a lot of ligaments and muscles. And when they are torn, they will swell up and affect the nerves. Or the bones are out of place and keeping the nerves from doing what they are supposed to do.

Go to and and look for a good chiropractor near you. The doctors on those lists are dedicated and will not rip you off. Very likely, your worker comp insurance will not pay for it but it is worth paying for yourself to get to the root of the problem and get it corrected.

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Dr. Rozeboom

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