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I think I hurt my back, please help
9/23 17:42:09

Dear Dr. Rozeboom,
  I have a history of minor scoliosis in my upper back and degenerative disks in my lower back.  This morning I was "cracking" my back--(you know when you turn your torso from side to side like the "washing machine" motion)and my back didn't crack, it just did a very exaggerated turn and made a type of pulling/strained cracking type noise and then I felt pain in that area where I turned (thoracic area).  It sounded like I might have rotated too much.  I turned pretty far when I did it...really large rotation. My question is, is it possible to break your back, damage vertebrae or damage the spinal cord --like pulling the little nerves away from the bone--by cracking your back and going too far with the maneuver? I felt like a slight numbness in my left hand right after it happened but it then went away.  It's important to note when I did the rotation, I didn't exactly do it was pretty fast and rough turn, then I slowed down once I didn't hear the familiar crack and realized that I had probably gone too far. I'm just worried now. I don't want to give myself paralysis or damage to my spinal cord.  Please help.  I'm very worried and uncomfortable.  


Thanks for writing!

It is almost impossible to injure yourself doing the maneuver you describe but it sound like you were able to do the impossible.

I suspect your ligaments are also getting weak. Is your estrogen high? This would weaken ligaments as would the Standard American Diet (SAD).

As this point, I would try turning it the other way and see if it relieves the pain. Gently and slowly, of course.

Your best solution would be to see a good chiropractor and get some xrays of your spine and a chiropractic Examination.

Go to or and see if you can find one near you.

Does this answer your question?

Dr. Rozeboom

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