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Am I out of options....
9/23 17:42:06

I have an L5 bulging disc as a result of suden weight gain. I gained a lot of weight in a short period of time from taking an antidepressant called Prozac. Physcial therapy helped me for 1 year and then the pain came back suddenly and severely. I started seeing a chiropractor for 1 year and had mixed results. I also worked out at the gym and lost 15 pounds since I was already heavy before I gained the extra weight from the Prozac but my back hurt even more. Another chiropractor suggested I try Vax-D, which I did for 50 treatments. I had minimal relief from this treatment. I went back to the chiropractor for other ailments and he adjusted my back while I was there. Recently I went back to my Othropaedic Surgeon because I still have pain and my paitience has run out. He did an MRI and found that the L5 bulging disc has degenerated. He said my only options now are meds or surgery. Do you suggest I have surgery? I am terrified of going through surgery but if it is my only option I will do it. I do not have leg symptoms and my symptoms stay pretty much in the center of my back, and it is a dull deep ache. Occassionally it gets really bad and spasams, but 99% of the time I just have the dull ache. My doc said I would need fusion surgery, disc replacement is still risky. That makes me nervous...what do you think? Thank you for hearing me out. I appreciate your help.


Dear Lauren,

You have more than one option.

First, we look to the reason you needed Prozac.  Emotional distress is virtually always accompanied by muscular tension (nervous tension).  So that is part of the picture.  I'm referring you to an article at, which talks about the mind-body connection, so you have an understanding.  The article is "An Expanded View of The Three Reflexes of Stress" at <> (cut and paste into your browser address window without the "<>").

As far as the bulging disc, such are almost always the result of tight back muscles, which jam the spine.  Spasms, same thing.

Fusion surgery will not deal with the cause of the problem:  tight muscles and nervous tension.

I think you need to deal with both aspects to get a successful long-term resolution.

There is help for you and you can probably avoid surgery.  Visit for more information and practitioners.

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

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