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back, neck pain and dizzy
9/23 17:42:02

I am in the army and had fell about 9 mts ago hurting my back. I delt with the pain up untill 2 mts ago when I was on a misson and while running to avoid a incomein air unit I fell again taking the empact and full weight of my body on top of my head. Now my shoulder blades go num It fells like my back is going to snap in half about mids ways and i get pain and a lot of pressur in my neck towards the base of my skull. I also have a stinging on the left side 0f neck that wont go away. I have had x-ray's which have revealed nothing but it has gotten to the point that i cant funtion. If you put any wehgt on my head i get dizzy. I can be driving down the road and get dizzy any i thouhts would be great thank you


Thanks for writing!

Your brain and spinal cord have been jammed down between your hips. The hips were probably already loose and weak before you landed on the top of your head, which made it worse.

The obvious answer is to pull your spinal cord up from out between your hips. A good chiropractor could do that for you.

What part of the world are you stationed in? Are there chiropractors available at your station?

Those upside down machines they sell in sporting good stores would also help. Or you could rig and block and tackle, tie a rope around each ankle and have someone hang you upside down! ( a last resort). Somehow, you have to get the spine stretched out, that would help a lot, it would not get to the root of the problem but it would take the top part of the problem out of your life.

There are also home cervical traction devises available that fit over a door. Those would help.

Go to and see if you can find a good chiropractor near you. Or try

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Dr. Rozeboom

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