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cant lift arm
9/23 17:41:41

Yes the shock treatments were with a machine that had probes hooked to it...they also did what they called ultra sound on it and it was done at a chiropractors office. Thank you.

Followup To

Question -
I have had pain in my upper back shoulder area for a long time and have had numbness in my thumb on the left arm.  I had a test done and they told me that I had a pinched nerve and there was nothing I could do about it. I went to a chiropractor who practices preventive medicine and I got a few shock treatments and the feeling was coming back a bit. Then on Saturday I got a massage that hurt so bad I had to tell him to back off and on Monday I couldnt lift my arm and the top part of it hurts really bad. He thin ks I need an MRI and injured a rotator cuff..I think he injured it with that massage..any idea?

Answer -

Thanks for writing!

I am a bit confused at to the type of care you have had. You say "shock treatments". Did that involve a machine with wires attached to your body?

Who  did the massage?

Dr. Rozeboom



I don't think he injured you. What happened was the Ultrasound and the electrical stim built up the electrity in your body. Then the massage got it going in the wrong direction and it locked up. This is what is hurting.

One could use a magnet to balance the electricity in the body. Or figure some other way to disperse, swimming might do it.

Does this answer your question?

Dr. Rozeboom  

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