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Pinched Nerve in back
9/23 17:41:37

I have had pain in my left leg for three years.  Last year I had stents put in my groin because I was told the pain was from poor circulation.  After the operation the pain in my leg became worse.  The Doctor then did an ultra sound on the veins in my leg and told me there was nothing wrong.  End of story.  I then went back to my family doctor regarding the pain.  At this point I can only walk about 10 feet before the pain becomes unbearable. My doctor did a nerve conduction test on my leg.  She claims I have a pinched nerve in my back.  PT did not help at all.  Anti immflamatories did nothing.  She now wants me to go to a Orthopedic Surgeon.  My question is should I be going to an Orthopedic doctor or a Neurologist?  I am 56 yrs old and I walk like I am about 90.  Thank you.


Thanks for writing!

This is the standard story of modern medicine. Ineffective surgery and a damaged patient.

If I was in your shoes and had to choose between an orthopedic guy and a neurologist, I would go to the neurologist. They are less likely to hurt you.

PT does not get the to the root of the problem when it is neurological. They mostly with bones and muscles.

What you need is a good chiropractor. They can investigate and get to the bottom of this, pinched nerve or not!

Go to, and and look for a good chiropractor near you.

Does this answer your question?
Dr. Rozeboom  

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