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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Back and Neck Injury > HELP PLEASE
9/23 17:41:21

Can anyone put this in English?

Findings from MRI:
The lumbar vertebrae show normal alignment with normal vertebral body height and marrow signal. There is slight anterior wedging of the body of T12 consistent with a minimal partial compression fracture, which appears remote, with no evidence of marrow edema.

T12-L1: Minimal disk desiccation change with very slight left paracentral anulus bulge minimally indenting the left ventral thecal sac with no evidence of central canal stenosis or neural foreminal narrowing.

L1-2, L2-3, L3-4: normal

L4-5: Minimal bilateral facet arthropathy with very slight anular bulge seen and there is associated minimal bilateral lateral recess narrowing.

L5-S1: Unremarkable except for minimal facet arthropathy.


1. Minimal bilateral facet arthropathy at the L5-S1 level.

2. Mild posterior anulus bulge at L4-5 with bilateral mild facet aethropathy and minimal bilateral lateral recess narrowing.

Put simply, according to the Impression:
1) arthritis of L5-S1
2) small disc herniation at L4-5 with bilateral arthritis at that vertebral level.  

If your doctor didn't explain it to you, ask him to.  If he did and won't clearify it, go to someone else that will, another medical doctor, if you see a chiropractor they can read it for you.  If you would like some further explanation, please email me back.

Dr. Starbuck

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