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Severe Muscle Strain?
9/23 17:41:13

Dr. Gold,

In May I hurt my neck...nothing that stands out happened. It was as if it came out of the blue. Three days later I was still in severe pain and had VERY limited neck movement so I went to the ER. The doctor told me that I had a severe muscle strain. I was given scripts for muscke relaxers and pain meds. And was told to stay in bed.

About two months ago I had the same problem. (The doc at the ER said it is very common to reinjure and injured neck). Because of what I was told, I just took the meds that were left over from the last time. About a week later I was all better.

Last Monday I woke up and was not able to move my neck AT ALL. I also had painful cramping in my shoulders and between my shoulder blades. I called a chiropractor thinking the problem was something they could help with. I was told that I had numerous sublexations in my neck. He started out by just feeling around and massaging and stretching my neck. It hurt so bad I was in tears. Then he had me lay down on my belly and the table (the lower half) lowered and raised back up. Obviously stretching myneck some more. It all hurt but again I was in tears as the table returned to the starting position. He also adjusted my neck, did an Ultra Sound and put those pulsating things on my back, neck and shoulders. Hours later the pain was 10 times as bad as when I went in.

The next day I went to the doctor. The doctor gave me meds again, was told one week of total bed rest and was given a script for physical therapy and an MRI. She thought I may have a pinched nerve. I was told to try the PT first since I have no insurance and the MRI would be so expensive. I am going to my first appointment on Wed for PT. I am feeling about 50% better and am wondering what will they do at PT and if it will only hurt my neck again. Any thoughts? And what are your thoughts on my problem being a pinched nerve?

I have pain on both sides but moreso the left. Also, every few days I get a weird "tingling" in my wrist...I just shake my hand once or twice and it goes away. Could this be related?



Dear Angie,

By now, you know how effective adjustments, massaging and stretching are for the muscle spasms in your neck.

The tingling is likely from those muscles squeezing on the nerve that goes down your arm.

The pain between your shoulders is that of neck muscles that extend that far.

All of the ministrations you've received miss the point:  the muscles of the body are controlled by brain-conditioning, which is basically run by habit.  You can't change tension habits by massaging, stretching, drugs or adjustments any more than you can change any other habit by those means. Habits must be unlearned and replaced by healthy patterns of function.

You need to improve your control of the involved muscles to the degree of being able to relax them.  Please see the articles on whiplash injuries and on pain management through movement education at  The articles explain more and give you options for recovery.  If you were my client, you could anticipate substantial improvement after the first session and complete relief in 3 - 4 sessions.

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

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