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Head & Neck Pain
9/23 17:41:10

This has just started recently. When I am sleeping I wake up with the back of my head screaming in pain. I feel as if I banged itm but this happens almost every night. Also my neck is stiff and sore. Can you help or advise if this can be something serious?  


Thanks for writing!

The back of the head has nerves in it which get tight and painful when the organs--liver, gallbladder, colon, etc.- of the body are defending againist some attack. This is most ususally a chemical attach, such as food, drugs.

These warning signals can be quickly and easily interpeted by a Doctor of Chiropractic who is trained in this. Go to, and and find one near you. They can investigate this and get to the root of the problem.

This can be serious in that if it is not properly handled, the organ in question can go out of action. It usually requires nutritional support as well as the adjustment.

Does this anwer your question?

Dr. Rozeboom  

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