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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Back and Neck Injury > Slip and Fall
Slip and Fall
9/23 17:40:52

I fell a few weeks ago during a snow storm.  I noticed a week or so later that my upper back and neck hurt severely and my neck crunches when I turn it from side to side and if I do it alot, I get a bad headache in the base of my skull and in my temples.  My husband has been trying to help me by gently massaging the sore spots in my neck and back but in the morning after, the neck and back pain are worse then they were before the massage.  Should I see my doctor?


Thanks for writing!

Very likely, when your head and neck hit the ground, the bones in your head and neck were moved out of place. They are now getting in the way of the nerves--brain and spinal cord and nerves coming off of them--as the nerves try to do their job. This can be very painful and disabling.

Since it is a mechanical thing, it requires a mechanical correction. No amount of chemicals (pain pills, muscle relaxers) will put the bones back where they belong.

A good chiropractor can do it for you. Go to, and and look for a good chiropractor near you. They can help you quickly, safely, with no pain.

Does this answer your question?

Dr. Rozeboom  

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