QuestionI've had lower back pain since November 2002 and have been recently diagnosed by a chiropractor with 2 compressed discs, a torn third, and a bone spur. I have aching pain after running and jumping exercises, but stretching and walking feels good. Is it possible for these injuries to heal? Or is this permanent and should not expect to be able to run anymore?
Thanks for writing!
You do not say how old you are and that will effect the outcome in this situation.
First and foremost, you have to drink enough water. Do a water challenge. Drink 12 ounces of water every hour for 6 hours and see how your back feels.
Second, there is very likely a digestive problem in back of this. Ask your chiropractor for some digestive supplements.
Third, the hormones could be off balance. Are you on Hormone Replacment?
Fourth, the Great American Diet (GAD!) creates nutritional deficiencies in a body. Every time you eat, you get sicker. Switch to nutrient dense foods, take a positve step. You will very likely eat less and lose weight. Organic fruits and vegetable are a good place to start, eat them and nothing else for a couple of days and see how you feel.
Fifth, check out a pair of Masie Barefoot Technology shoes. They can work wonders.
Sixth, there is a devise for home use which has been shown to rebuild the disc. It is called a Posture Pump. Ask your chiropractor about it.
I would never quit exercising, if I were you,you might have to switch over to a trampoline or water exercise, but keep the body moving. With the Masi shoes, you could very likely run, if you stay off of the cement.
Does this answer your question?
Dr. Rozeboom