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I am a big mess!
9/23 17:40:47

Hi Dr. Rozeboom,
I have been to sooo many doctors for a car wreck that happened 8 yrs ago and for 2 of those years, "its a kidney infection and whip flash", should not hurt so bad.  Come to find out, my whip flash- as of 5 yrs ago, turned out to be 4 tears in my neck! My "kindey infection" turned out to be a 3mm buldge at the L3-L4 and a 5mm buldge at the L5-S1. The last 4 months or so, have become more and more difficult than I'm used to.  I am getting some really sharp pains going down my legs and in my hips are really hurting from dull aches.  I have also had problems with all of my middle toes feeling as if I had stumped them. I have undergone just about every test my Dr. can think of.  I am scheduled for my 4th emg/ekg. Those are just the new problems. I still have the constant migranes that are not light or sound sensitive, the feeling that someone is pulling my hair as if it were in a ponytail, and the sharp pains down my right arm and in both pinky's. Let's not forget all the muscle spasms. It was suggested that I have my neck fused, but I am 31 yrs old and have young kids and well, I am scared of something that drastic.  As for my lower back, I have had additional MRI's done. Including having dye injected into my spine and they can't seem to find anything that has really changed from the previous tests!  Is there something that they might have missed or just not searching right? Or is it all in my head?  Please help!


Thanks for writing!

Let me assure you, none of this is in your head. This is a physical problem and demands a physical answer.

First of all, how much water do you drink? The disc get a very poor blood flow. They depend on the area around them being very wet to survive. Do a water challenge. Drink 12 ounces of spring water every hour on the hour for six hours and see how you feel.

Secondly, there is almost always hidden damage to the spine with a whiplash injury. Most frequently, it tears the ligaments of the spine all the way down to where your hip bone hooks to your back bone. This is called the sacro iliac joint. This must be checked.

The only way to properly handle this is to get to the root of the physical injuries and correct them. A good chiropractor can do it for you. Go to, and and look for a good chiropractor near you. These chiros do not do pop and pray, twisting your neck and back but follow a specific set of circumstances which a allow a safe recovery.

Does this answer your question?

DR. Rozeboom

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