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back strain
9/23 17:40:43

hi i am a 24 year old female in good health. the other day i hurt my back playing with my kids i kinda bent over and was stuck. it has been 3 days and the pain hasnt subsided much its worse upson standing and tryin to bend or sit up its my lower back that i hurt. my question is that the muscular pain seems to be going into my sides and stomach area now as well. should i be conerned about this? how long do lower back muscle injurys take to heal and any advice? thanks

It might be more than just muscles that are injured.  The muscles attach to bones, and if those bones are misaligned the muscles will spasm, such as what you have going on.  Without a proper exam I'm only guessing to what your specific problem is, but I treat people with these exact symptoms everyday.  My suggestion is to see a chiropractor.  We treat these problems with adjustments, electric stimulation, heat and ice packs, traction, and other specific treatments.  I am a member of a group of chiropractor that do this and more.  If you are interested, go to to locate a doctor near you.  I am located in St. Paul, Minnesota and would be more than happy to see you.  Until you make a decision, I would ice the area that is in spasm and try not to pick anything up heavier than 5-10 pounds, but I know you have kids, so be sure to use your legs to lift and not your back.  If you have any other questions or concerns please email me, and don't hesitate to seek further medical help if symptoms get unbearable.

Dr. Starbuck

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