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Injury 1 side of body is numb
9/23 17:40:40

My husband had an accident at work in May 06' he had a wall fall on him, he has severe migranes and has already had knee surgery, the right side of his entire body feels tingly (as if there is an imaginary line down his body) He is seeing a nuerologist and has had a Facet joint Block injection. and they are planning to do a 2nd. His neurologist says she can not figure out what the tingly feeling he is having is caused by! They have done several tests X-rays, MRI's, they even used electric shock needles up and down his arm, He is in so much pain and we are at a dead end, is there any thing we are missing? Or we can do? P.S. He has had just about every medicine available and nothing has helped, the injection did help 1/2 of the headacges so they are doing the next shot hoping to eliminate it all together. My main question is regaurding the tingly feeling? why only one side? Could it be due to the accident at work? Please anything will help!! Thank-you so much.

Without a proper exam, I am just speculating.  There could be many causes for the tingling, it sounds like the worse one, an aneurysm, has been ruled out by MRI.  The only thing I can suggest is to see a special chiropractor.  I am a member of a group of chiropractor that specialize in the cranium and how it moves.  It is difficult to explain in writing, it is easier to do in person.  NOT all chiropractic is the same, and there are only a few of these special doctors that practice, they (we) are called craniopaths.  If you are interested, go to to locate a doctor near you and talk to them about your husbands problem.  If you have any other question or need a little more clarification on the subject, email me or go to my website at

Dr. Starbuck

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