Thanx in advance for reading this:
So today, I was on my walking to work and I felt this sharp pain/electricity type feeling in my left buttock-mid to upper left hand region. Its been bothering me all day-not terrible pain but uncomfortable.
Of note, Ive had a cramp or charlie horse in my left calve for about two weeks that has just recently gone away. It was there for an unusually long period of time and just didnt "feel" right. Not sure if there is any relation but thought I would mention it none the less.
I am a 32 yr. old male in decent physical shape.
Lower back/buttock pain TERRIFIES me.
Now of course my whole back is starting to hurt-but im almost 100% sure its me overreacting to this little pain in my buttock.
Any idea on what this could be?
Thanx so much.
AnswerIt is difficult to give you an exact answer without a proper exam. It sounds like you have strained some of the muscles of you low back and buttock area. This could be due to many different things, but in my experience it is usually due to a bony imbalance. Think of it as your car's alignment is out causing wear on your tires. When you body is out of alignment, it causes wear and tear on joints and strains on muscles. My suggestions is to see a chiropractor. They (we) can work with all the aspects you are describing and without drugs or surgery. If you are interested and don't see a chiropractor already, go to to locate a doctor near you. I am a member of this organization and would trust any one of them with my own family. I am located in St. Paul, Minnesota and would be more than happy to see you. If you have any other questions or concerns, please email me.
Dr. Starbuck