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Hard fall on backside in older woman
9/23 17:40:30

My 70 year old mother fell hard today, mostly on her butt and lower back.  She says she bounced straight up she hit so hard.  She has pretty bad pain in her tailbone and across her hips.  She can walk and it is more painful when she sits.  Should she see a dr or is this mostly muscle pain that will take a few days to resolve?  

I can't give you a proper diagnosis without performing an exam myself.  My suggestion is seeing a doctor (family doctor or chiropractor) and get the area x-rayed to rule out any kind of fracture.  If there is no fracture, I strongly suggest chiropractic treatments.  I belong to a group of chiropractors located all over the United States and we use a very gentle technique excellent for elderly.  If you are interested, go to to locate a doctor near you.  I am in St. Paul, Minnesota and would be more than happy to see her.  If you have any other questions or concerns, please email me.

Dr. Starbuck

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