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discs touching spinal cord
9/23 17:40:18

I am a 37 yeaar old female.  I have disc c5-c6 right paracentral disc protrusion comes in contact with spinal cord but doeas not compress it. c-7 central disc protusion comes in connact also. I am in so much pain. Can surgery correct this problem it has been mentioned.

While this is a controversy in some circles, the scientific literature supports that central/paracentral disc herniation or bulge without neural impingement can cause significant pain even before compression shows up on CT or MRI.

While surgery is a possibility in correcting this problem, I recommend trying non-invasive therapies before taking the surgical step.  No surgery is minor and any surgery involving your spine has great risks.  

Try physical therapy, stretching exercises, chiropractic traction, acupuncture, or massage.  All have been found to be helpful for disc protrusions in various patients.

Thank you for your question, June.  I hope that my answer gave you some insights to trying some alternatives to surgery first.

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