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chronic shoulder pain
9/23 17:40:08

Dr. Starbuck,
Greetings! First let me thank you for your time. I am a 21 year old, 6' 170lbs, not an athlete or a weight lifter. I stretch and exercise often. My neck and shoulder has caused major discomfort for about one week. It wakes me up at night sometimes. I sometimes will get a tingling sensation in the upper  part of my arm (not the bi or triceps). At first the pain reminded me of bad posture on a long road trip, but with the heavy persistence it can't be (no recent traveling). The pain was present about a 1.5 months ago and went away for a week or so. Massages, ibprofein, icyhot patches all regular treatments here lately. Any thoughts, comments, or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Again, thank you for your time. I look forward to your response.

It is difficult to give you an exact answer without a proper exam, but it sounds like you have some muscle issues that are probably stemming from improper bony alignment.  My suggestion is to seek chiropractic care.  We can realign the bone which in turn will decrease the muscle spasms and slowly return your arms to "normal."  If this interests you, go to  I recommend this website because I am a member of this group and would trust any one of these doctors decisions.  I am in St. Paul, Minnesota and would be happy to see you.  If you have any other questions or concerns, please email me.

Dr. Starbuck

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