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muscle trauma
9/23 17:39:43

I took a terrible fall 4 days ago, tripping up a stair and breaking my fall with both my arms and landing with my full weight on my left shoulder and forearm.  I'm having hot burning pain mostly in my upper outer arm muscles and also thru my shoulders. Any ideas for best treatment? I'm concerned this injury will further agravate my fibromyalgia....

Chiropractic.  It sounds like you have irritated the nerves that exit the spine via the vertebrae.  Falls such as yours are common, and commonly put off because people think it will just go away, when in reality if untreated the problems get worse, sometimes to the point of needing surgery, which you don't want.  If you are interested in chiropractic, go to to locate a doctor near you.  I am a member of this group and recommend all on this list.  I am located in St. Paul, Minnesota and would be happy to see you.  If you have any other questions or concerns, please email me.

Dr. Starbuck

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