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MTBI treatments/craniopathy
9/23 17:39:25

I suffered a miltd traumatic brain injury in March 2005 from side impact auto accident about 35mph.  I am getting better, but recently found out about craniopathy, referred to Dr. David Denton (semi-retired) operating out of Bellevue Washington and request general feedback/info/advice/referrals?  Can you help me find simplistic resources to look at since I have hard time with complicated things. I've somewhat learned to live life more simple because I'm not as able anymore.  Very active advocate for myself and others...Thanks Lots!

p.s. could you send me a copy of what I just wrote so I can remember it, since I worked hard at wording this.

Mark Roberts, 2009 37th Avenue, Missoula, MT  59804
(406) 240-1605

Dear Mark,

Sorry about the lateness of this response, family emergency out of town.

Anyway, craniopathy or cranio-sacral therapy is performed with very gentle pressure over the cranial bones and sometimes the sacrum (bone in low back/pelvis) in order to reduce tension/pressure in relation to the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord (cerebro-spinal fluid).

It is based on the assertion that this fluid system has a normal natural state of movement and pressure which when altered can produce body wide problems or local problems. this is a simplistic explanation as I am not certified in this technique, but my wife is and I have seen her get great results in babies involved in birth traumas and car crashes, as well as individuals with seizures.  

I think it is a valid technique to use, especially with a history of head trauma, and for more information, please check out the below resources on the internet.

Good Luck Mark!

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

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