Bone Health
 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Back and Neck Injury > injury....?
9/23 17:38:47

Yes...I have had some problems for almost a year question I would like to pose is when bench pressing weights I have been told to always keep your head looking straight forward. some months ago I was bench-pressing and turning my head side to side talking to my spotters which are my daughters. now I don't know if this is the source of my problems or not but can a person injure themselves in this manner in any way?

Hi Clyde,

Good ergonomics while lifting is always a good idea, turning the head while benching is unlikely to cause problems. I would look at other potential causes first. See a DC and have it mobilized, this will usually free up any fixations causing pain.

Thank you for your question Clyde, I hope this helped you!

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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