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lower back pain/tightness
9/23 17:38:28

I am 23 155lbs. I hurt my back one day stepping out of truck. well its six months later and i've had an xray(found nothing) i went to a chiropractor and he demolished my back worse. he hooked me up to a shock machine full strenth for 20 min. and i have been taking 1-3 pain pills a day for six months. at the beginning it was excrutiating, then 2 weeks later i could function. well it has been tight almost a hurt for the WHOLE six months )everyday. ive stretched and it hurts worse the next day. I am very good with pain too. please save me.


The problem with back spasms is that they are controlled by brain conditioning and can't be stretched out by force or shocked into relaxation.  You have to get enough control of the muscles to relax them from inside.

It's not difficult.

Please see my articles on back pain at for more explanation and what you can do.

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

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