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bilateral femoral nerve damage
9/23 17:38:14

Hi, after a long labor and 2 hours of pushing, I had a C-section.  I had been given an epidural which had since worn off.  They had to put me under general anesthesia for the C-section.  They had to pull my legs straight for the surgery (intense pain) because I had been in that position for so long and the baby was in the birth canal.  Baby was face-up, and I was told my pelvis was shaped such that her head would not fit.  After surgery I suffered paralysis in both legs, and sporadic numbness in both legs.  I am still recovering, 14 months later.  My right leg is fairly strong but still numb in spots... my left leg is quite weak, especially around the knee area.  The nerve that runs along the front of the hipbone on the left side is very sensitive, and it seems to affect the numbness/weakness in that leg.  My question is this: What do you think might have been the cause of the nerve damage?  Is it possible at this point that I might still have a full recovery?  I am 39yo, 5'5" tall and 125 lbs.  Also, would chiropractic treatment help at all?  

thank you!

Dear Karen,

Wow, sorry to hear of your plight.  The symptoms that you have described are not uncommon, and are most likely generated from irritation of  the spinal cord or the nerve roots of the low back. Obviously the birthing process is the original source of the problem, but I would not be able to determine if the epidural is the main cause of the continued symptoms, or the positioning of your spine during the labor/C-section delivery...both can be problematic.

Although this has been ongoing, I do think that you can get more resolution concerning symptomatology.  I also do think that Chiropractic care can help.  Manipulation of the low back commonly relieves back, hip, and leg pain due to mechanical dysfunction and inflammation affecting the nerves that supply information to these anatomical areas.  I would definitely recommend that you seek out the care of a good local chiropractic physician to address these problems.  I only wish you had taken this approach earlier before the problem had become chronic.

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

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