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strained muscle
9/23 17:38:02

I've been very curious about this.  I started to experience soreness in my upper back, left side, that I attributed to sitting in the same position for too long while typing for long hours (transcribing documents all day).  I then started to experience a tightness in my chest, also on the left side, just above the upper outer part of my left breast and extending to directly above the breast.  This worried me a bit, even though I had no other symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness or anything.  But it certainly seemed related to the shoulderblade/back pain and felt like a muscle tightness. The only difference was when I pressed on the area on my back it felt tender and when I pressed on the area on my chest it did not.  

Last night I felt sort of a knot in my back where the pain was.  I started massaging it, and suddenly the pain in my chest subsided.  Today I sat in a car (passenger seat)for an extended period and the back pain returned, and shortly after my chest began to feel tight again as well.

If I take two fingers and press really hard against the tender spot on my back, it seems to temporarily alleviate the pain in both my back and chest.  Is there a muscle that can be felt in both the back and chest, and could sitting poorly for just a day or two cause a very bad muscle strain?  (my keyboard was too high and my shoulders were hunched a bit, and the mouse was too far over the the right so I rotated that way every time I used it, which was often.  Also I did not have a very good support for my back the whole time.  I have ordered some special equipment to be sure this doesn't happen again!)

Hi, Tanya,

You've just described how tension patterns form:  repetitive use in poor position.  We become how we live.

The ribs go back-to-front.  Tension in the back is communicated to the front to hold the rib in place (prevent rotation).

There's an article, Addressing the Human Factor in Ergonomic Solutions at

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

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