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Constant Upper back/shoulder pain
9/23 17:37:57

I am 23 yrs old about 3 yrs ago I worked on a fish processing boat in Alaska. I worked 16 hours a day 7 days a week with constant repetitive motions. I did this for around 3 months. Toward the end of this my left upper shoulder/back started hurting ALOT. Sometimes my arm would swell, but the pain was constant in the back toward what I can only think to describe as the bottom of my shoulder blade. It would get warm tingly, and it would burn/throb, as well as it was tender to the touch. This was constant, but at some times it would also include sharp shooting pains. Also I sleep on my left side (as well as I am left handed) and it would constantly fall asleep in a tingly painful way. Which reminds me to mention that I went with my boyfriend at the time and we shared a small cot sized bunk so I was sleeping on my left side without any room for moving this entire time as well. It got so bad that I was taking 2 600 milligram Ibuprofens every 3 hours and it was not doing anything (not a good idea I know) I was sent to the Dr and he couldnt find anything (although he did not even look or touch my shoulder). It got so bad I had to quit. I still have the exact same symptoms which will sometimes travel down my left arm but def have a point of origin on the bottom of my shoulder blade in about a 3-5 inch circle) to this day minus the swelling of the arm, and now if i touch that area on my back/shoulder I can feel something clicking/moving...maybe even just a vein moving?  I've been to the Dr over and over again. This does not limit movement in my arm or back just alot of pain. The only time I have ever had ANY relief was for about 4 months after I had a medical massage as a gift. I have never had any diagnosis, they always tell me to take aleve and do physical therapy which does nothing. What is this and how do I get rid of it or explain it to my Dr in a  way that will make them give me a more serious treatment. It wakes me up at night and will bring me to the point of tears (especially after a few hours in front of the computer). Now my shoulders and arms have started "popping" constantly, it doesnt hurt, its just very loud. I'm not sure if my height/weight will help with this at all, but I am about 5'7 and 130 pounds and have been since the time of the injury. Thank you very much! I look forward to hearing from you as I am starting to feel that I will be living my entire life with this pain.


Hi Brenda,

First thing I would do is get an MRI to rule out a cervical disc herniation and possibly but unlikely a labral tear in the shoulder.

Find a DC in the area that does towel traction and expect significant results in a couple weeks. Avoid the IB since this causes kidney failure and inhibits cartilage growth, most similar products do the same negative thing.

Good Luck!

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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