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9/23 17:36:35

I had a back fusion in 2001 L4,L5 and S1. Recent findings show that Mild effacement o vetral thecal sac at L2-L3,L3-L4.  I lost the use of my left leg from the knee down I can not move. I can wiggle toes and push foot down I cannot lift foot up. I walk with a brace and cane. I was hospitalized July 16-25 My kidneys and liver shut down they induced a coma. Do to the fact I was thrashing and would not let anyone touch me. I was seeing things. I have very little memory of this. I woke up 4 days later and my leg no longer worked. No improvements with thearpy. I have a morphine pump that releases morphine in my spine. I am in a lot of pain in my lower and upper back. And my leg and hands swell and hurt with no relief. They want to do a diskogram next and maybe operate again to repair the third disk. I don't want to even go in a hospital. They say I have degenerating disks. What are my options? I take 15mg oxycodone every 4 hours this has not been help with the pain. I have been try not to increase the dosage but may need to due to the increase of pain. C5-6 osteophyte flattens the ventral sac. C6-7 small central disc protrusion flattens the ventral thecal sac. What does that mean?


Sadly to say you are on permanent disability, you will never be the same. Lumbar surgery should be outlawed as it is in Illinois aside from very rare occasions.

You will be on pain meds the rest of your life and unable to perform normal activities of daily living.
By some maricle, you may regain some function, but I would stay away from any more surgeries since this will only cause more scar tissue and disability. not to mention death.

Sorry for being blunt but if you look at surgical outcomes online, you will see I am telling the truth.

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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