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contagous back pain
9/23 17:36:00

About a month ago I noticed a pain in my lower back, just left of my spine. I expected to see a bruise, but none showed up until two weeks later.  About that time my roommate mentioned similar pain in the exact same spot as mine.  My bruise only lasted a few days, unlike the pain which still exists.  Right now the pain is worse than ever.  My roommate experienced the same bruise that lasted only days, although, her pain is gone for the most part.  We both thought maybe we pulled a muscle moving patients or something considering we are both in nursing school, but then my roommates sister came to stay with us.  A few Days after leaving she called saying she was having back pain in the exact location as us although no bruise ever formed.  Her pain subsided as well, after a week or so.  At this point we all thought it was a weird coincidence! Then my roommates mother came in town this past weekend and stayed with us for two nights.  Surprise, Surprise, she called the day after leaving stating that she too had back pain in the same exact spot.  We have yet to hear of the development of a bruise. This may just be some extremely strange coincidence of events but it has left me baffled.  I might add that my third roommate had been unaffected totally. Could this be some strange virus, bacteria, or just a pulled muscle? I know this is quite abstract but I just don't know how to go about researching such a freak occurrence. If you could give us some sort of explanation that would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for your help.

Hi Danielle,

Do you have a chair, couch, or bed that all the people you have mentioned have shared. If there is a spring out or a lump in a couch or bed, everyone who sits or lies on it may seem to develop pain in the same area. I would recommend that you check furniture at home for the culprit. Feel the lower parts of couches and beds and see if anything sticks out.

I hope this helps!

Dr. Liza

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